In Stock: Emergency Lighting LED Drivers
ADM STOCKS Hytronik’s emergency lighting LED drivers.
How Emergency Lighting LED Drivers Work
Under normal conditions, the LED driver powers the emergency LED lights from the mains AC supply. At the same time the LED driver maintains full charge of a NiCd or NiMH battery.
Should the mains power supply fail, the LED driver switches over to the battery and reduces the lux level for a regulation specified minimum length of time.
On restoration of the AC power, the LED driver switches back to powering the emergency LED lightss from the mains power supply and recharges the battery.
Emergency Lighting LED Drivers in Stock
ADM stocks the Hytronik HEM09 series emergency lighting LED drivers.
Hytronik HEM09H-E

This LED driver is the same as the HEM09-E, but with a higher output current range.
The selectable output options are: 900mA, 1050mA, 1200mA and 1400mA. The power output ranges between 10 and 33 WATTS depending on the output current selected.
For further information on LED drivers for emergency LED lights contact ADM.
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